Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Mogu'shan VaultsThe mogu, proud of their supremacy, kept lengthy records of their accomplishments within a great complex of vaults. Guarded by ferocious magical beings, these sacred chambers have remained silent since the mogu's departure.
- Heroic: Four Kings - Defeat the Four Kings in Mogu'shan Vaults on Heroic difficulty.
The Spirit Kings
- Meng Sharpfang - When the players defeat the Mad King, he remains in battle in a weakened state and only uses his Maddening Shout ability.
Maddening Shout - The Maddening Shout of Meng Sharpfang causes all enemies to go mad, inflicting 10,000 Shadow damage every 3 sec. and causing all enemies to hate each other. Players regain their sanity after taking 10,000 damage from another player.
The Mad King retains Maddening Shout after being defeated.- Crazed - The Mad King becomes more insane every 0.5 sec. Crazed increases the Mad King's Physical damage dealt by a percentage equal to twice his current Insanity. When the Mad King reaches 100 Insanity, he switches personalities to Cowardice.
- Cowardice - The Mad King becomes more insane every 0.5 sec. Cowardice causes the Mad King to reflect damage equal to 50% of his current Insanity. When the Mad King reaches 100 Insanity, he switches personalities to Crazed.
Crazy Thought - A Crazy Thought crosses the Mad King's warped mind, increasing his Insanity by 10.
Delirious - The Mad King enrages, doubling the rate he gains insanity.
- Qiang Steelskin - When the players defeat the Warlord King, he remains in battle in a weakened state and only uses his Flanking Orders ability.
Flanking Orders - The Warlord King orders a flank, calling in a wave of Mogu attackers. These Flanking Mogu cast Overhand Strike, inflicting 100,000 Physical damage to enemies in front of them within 0 yards. The Warlord King retains Flanking Orders after being defeated.
Massive Attacks - No single man or woman can stand against the brutal attacks of the Warlord King. His Massive Attacks inflict 900,000 Physical damage, split among all enemies hit.
Annihilate - Qiang focuses on Annihilating his enemies in front of him, inflicting 300,000 damage to enemies within 0 yards.
Impervious Shield - The Warlord King uses his Impervious Shield, gaining immunity to all attacks and spells and increasing his attack speed by 200% for 10 sec.
- Sebotai Swiftfoot - When the players defeat the Bandit King, he remains in battle in a weakened state and only uses his Pillage ability.
Pillage - The Bandit King charges a random player and Pillages them, stealing all of the target's posessions. The Pillaged effect reduces the player's damage and healing done by 50% and reduces their armor by 50%. The Bandit King retains Pillage after being defeated.
- Volley - Sebotai launches three Volleys in quick succession. The first inflicts 50,000 Physical damage to enemies in a large cone in front of the caster, then 75,000 Physical damage in a medium cone, and finally 100,000 Physical damage in a small cone.
Rain of Arrows - The Bandit King fires a Rain of Arrows at the location of a random player, inflicting Pinned Down on all targets within the 8 yard area. Pinned Down inflicts 10,000 Physical damage every 1 sec. until another player removes the arrow from the victim.
Pinning Arrow - The Pinning Arrow causes Pinned Down, inflicting 10,000 Physical damage every 1 sec. until a player destroys the Pinning Arrow.
Sleight of Hand - Damaging attacks against the Bandit King cause the attacker to suffer being Robbed Blind. The effect reduces damage and healing done by 50% and reduces armor by 50%. The Bandit King becomes vulnerable to Stun effects while using Sleight of Hand.
Robbed Blind - Robbed Blind reduces the target's damage and healing done by 50% and reduces their armor by 50%.
- Zian of the Endless Shadow
- When the players defeat the Sorcerer King, he remains in battle in a
weakened state and only uses his Undying Shadows ability.
Undying Shadows - The Sorcerer King creates an Undying Shadow at the location of a random player. The Undying Shadow inflicts 15,000 Shadow damage every 1 sec to players within 10 yards until destroyed. The Sorcerer King retains Undying Shadows after being defeated.
- Undying Shadow - The Undying Shadow inflicts
15,000 Shadow damage every 1 sec to players within 10 yards until
destroyed. An Undying Shadow fixates on the closest nearby player when
the Sorcerer King summons it. After the Undying Shadow dies it starts to
reform itself, creating Coalescing Shadows. After 30 seconds the
Undying Shadow fully coalesces and reforms.
- Coalescing Shadows - The Coalescing Shadows inflicts 15,000 Shadow damage every 5 sec. to players within 10 yards. After 30 seconds the Undying Shadow fully coalesces and reforms.
- Undying Shadow - The Undying Shadow inflicts
15,000 Shadow damage every 1 sec to players within 10 yards until
destroyed. An Undying Shadow fixates on the closest nearby player when
the Sorcerer King summons it. After the Undying Shadow dies it starts to
reform itself, creating Coalescing Shadows. After 30 seconds the
Undying Shadow fully coalesces and reforms.
Shadow Blast - The Sorcerer King launches a Shadow Blast at the location of a random player. The Shadow Blast inflicts 70,000 Shadow damage upon impact to players within 8 yards of the targeted location.
- Charged Shadows - The Sorcerer King blasts a random player with Charged Shadows, inflicting 85,000 Shadow damage to the target then chaining to further targets within 8 yards of each other.
Shield of Darkness - The Sorceror King protects himself with a Shield of Darkness. The Shield inflicts 200,000 Shadow damage to all enemies whenever a damaging ability lands on the Sorceror King.
Darkness - Inflicts 200,000 Shadow damage to all enemies.