Friday, September 7, 2012

[Guide] [AFK] survive with x% health exping for any class

Thanks to janekkoval i found there is slight small spot where both stains cross ( it is actualy a small palce cos i tried it before and missed it. so the EXP is doubeled to 670xp/s
i tried all damaging locations i could think of and i found that before belial the green stains on ground works best so far.
I can get 670 exp per second. It is not much but so far best i had found.
All you need is buy cheap blue gear for all resistence and some pieces for hp regen ~around 40-70 better more peices so you can experiment.
Now the tricky part is to balace your items so the green staint on ground damages you as fast as you regen hp from regen it took me around 4mins to find the best gear setup for it (currently iam using 6 items with all ress and 1 with hp regen but it varies on your armor and such so everyone must find his own perfect combination.
Now i can stay afk and it wont kill me ( my hp increase by 0.1% each ~10min so before i get over 10% hp it would take around 8 hours which is far enaugh for me.
IF anyone can think of any upgrades to this i will gladly welcome and try them ( like better spot and such )

On this screen you can see the Exact spot you shoud stand on to be on cross to double the exp. Its hardstill but now you can see the location to aim for

PS: exp gear and gem doesnt work for this 155xp reward per each survival
PSS: Its done in normal diff.

+ It seems you dont have to care about AFK kick dont know why but i had this runing without doing anything for 1h 30min so far and its still fine

Here is screen of my stats for this farming (the dual spot) as you can see i have low life big resist and low hpregen with current item stats i can stay there afk for around 40min before i need to get my hp down because it increase by 0.1% every 1 minute all it needs is now to cut down a little bit all res to get it working perfectly its only matter of touch and patience but this works just well for anyone trying this

(gear consist of ALL armor pieces with all res 76+ and Inteligence) except of one ring which have only 30 hp regen thats) (iam using shield but weapon slot is only epmty slot i have )